This interpretations and its terms apply

when You submit Ursin’s trial package by completing the form and clicking the “Submit” button.


1.Trial package

When You submit for Ursin’s Trial Package, Ursin will make those services available to you on a limited trial basis to enable you to evaluate the suitability of our services for your business

(a) 5 files (counting on completed images) for testing photo editing services with a preferred style;

(b) 1 floors for floor plans (2D, 3D, Handcrafted, Watercolor);

(c) 1 file for video editing;  

(d) 1 file for virtual staging/renovation.

You are allowed to use the Trial Package only one time.

2. Input requirement (optional)

To generate the best quality output, Ursin recommends You to follow our below guidelines.

Photo editing:

  • Single exposure

  • Ideally uncompressed RAW (JPG, DNG also works)

  • The image size from 12 MP to 16 MP (No need for larger files, it will add no extra quality and only slow down the process)

  • The material should also be un-edited. Pre-edited input can disturb the process and may cause an inferior output.

HDR Tone-mapping:

  • The general idea is to have 5 exposures, where one is the main exposure, then use bracketing and have 2 under-exposures and 2 over-exposures to complete the exposure profile.

  • The center exposure should be +1 EV and then the bracketing is 1 or 1,3 EV in each step over/under.


There are many different ways to produce the input material and different enhancements may need different input material. You can mention the input files by using words as main exposure and supporting exposure over-/ under- exposure depending on the scenario, or HDR enhancement-type. The main exposure will make the base image. The supporting exposure will be used to add the extra dynamic range to parts of the image, into the higher or lower exposure ranges. 

Main exposure is normally close to a normal single exposure image.

It is in many cases recommended to use flash to fill the image, even some scenarios or styles may lead us to use less or no flash. Make sure that the bounce point is outside the frame of the shot. The way to make the supporting exposures and also how they are edited, vary greatly and depend on Style, Variable and what type of enhancement is to be made. 


Simply download our reference from Client IDSketch-template and send your hand-draft drawing or You can attach sketch/pdf/image file into the input link 


Some suggestions on input material

  • Exposure and lighting

    • You have to be mindful of the extreme aviation light on site, both in preparation and also how to make a plan for the shots.

    • You set the camera up for the evenest exposure level. (New camera models may have systems like Nikon Auto ISO for video etc.)

    • Using extra fixed lighting in some rooms is highly recommend.

  • Frame rate

    • Up to 60 fps is good when You want the edited film to be slowed down. This is often an advantage as it gives more steady and harmonious shots. Note: The duration of the clips will over double when we slow from 60 fps to 25 fps.

    • When recording at 25 fps, the shots are steady and not too much change in the speed.

  • Resolution
    You should have no more and no less than the p1080 format.

  • Bitrate
    If the material doesn’t need a lot of adjustments then  +/- 15000 kbs is fine.

  • Suggested type and sequence
    In a 1-minute video, You probably don’t have time to view all part of the property, so You should focus on the highlights. Here is Ursin’s sequence suggestion. Note, that the list may have more suggestions than You would be able to fit in a short time video, so be selective.

    1. Drone shots

    2. Front of the house / front yard

    3. Foyer or entry

    4. Living room

    5. Balcony / terraces

    6. Kitchen

    7. Formal dining room

    8. Master bedroom

    9. Master bath

    10. Bonus Room / Recreation Room

    11. Backyard

    12. Drone shots

3. The right of Use input

You are solely responsible for all files you send to Ursin. By submitting the form, You represent and warrant that You have the legal authority to enter into this Agreement and any files You submit to Ursin do not contain any materials (such as malicious software code or viruses) that may harm Ursin’s property. You have the exclusive and proprietary rights and ownership of all files delivered to Ursin. Ursin can under no circumstances use the files for any other purpose without Your written consent. For the processed and final output delivered back to You, Ursin does maintain a claim to the proprietary rights to the changes made to the delivered output. 

4. Confidential 

Each party shall treat the other’s confidential information as confidential and will not at any time copy, use, or disclose to any person the other’s confidential information.